Web Hosting Made Easy
Released on = January 6, 2006, 8:20 am
Press Release Author = Jitpol.com
Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = When do we pray? Before we knock on boss\'s door and before
we login to our web hosting control panel.
Press Release Body = Yes, web hosting control panels are so complex we need
blessings to do our work successfully. Full with Jargons that make one feel
illiterate, warnings that look like life-threats and pages of codes that give an
impression of a drunkard on keyboard whole night and as if this was not enough the
customer support of web hosting companies outsourced to some BPO in Mars (And they
always talk in their local alien language). I wonder if these web hosting companies
want us to go for a crash course in hosting technologies before we host a personal
site on our pet dog.
But now it looks as if someone has listened to our prayers. Jitpol.com is offering
web hosting that is supposed to make our life easy. With tools like Online Site
Builder for making web pages easily without any technical knowledge, Elefante
Installer to make our site interactive with click-n-install programs, a unique
control panel build and developed on customer feedbacks and a 24 x 7 customer
support available via email, chat and phone, Jitpol.com\'s claims seem to have some
substance to backup.
And with a price tag of under $50 a year for 15GB storage, the deal seems to be a
steal. Though you have to pay for an year in advance, it seems to worth it. Anyways
you still need to pray before you knock on your boss\'s door. Any tool for that
Web Site = http://www.jitpol.com
Contact Details = 1B, Pearl Crescent
Indiranagar Bangalore India
US toll free phone: 1-800-574-0902 ID 34900
International phone: +1-510-870-2470 ID 34900
UK phone: +44-20-7993-2768 ID 34900
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